Promoted to motherhood

Life will never be the same again...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Labour pains


Yes yes yes... "Sally Yen where got time to blog?" That's what I asked myself too. But as I was discussing with Sham, maybe blogging can keep you guys (especially living outside JB and Singapore) posted on Daniel's growth. It's been a week since Daniel was borned and it felt like months already. As most of you know, Daniel was borned a week + past his due date and I am glad the li'l bundle of joy is finally here! Puking on the baby cot, dirtying the brand new diapers and causing my washing machine to work twice a day!

Anyway, there's always a beginning of a story. On 5th November 4 a.m, I was awaken with strong contractions. I was suppose to check into the hospital at 830 a.m for a scheduled induction anyway. So I was pondering for full 10 mins whether I should wake ZX up and go to the hospital then or just sleep until the scheduled time. When I timed the contractions, it was 5 mins apart... and I remembered that was when Mandy rushed to the hospital. So I showered and woke ZX up.

By the time I was in the car, I was yanking at my feet. The contractions was almost unbearable... When I reached the hospital, I actually puked! I could determine all my chocolate ice cream I had earlier on. Hehe! The nurse stripped me and strapped 2 gadgets on my bulging belly (which I really miss right now). I could hear Daniel's heartbeat which was very "healthy". The midwife checked my cervix and I was 5 cm dilated (I was 2.5 cm in the morning). So she said I would give birth pretty soon. I was contented... "I am gonna have a quick labour. Thank You Jesus."

Breathing in between contractions...

The pain got worse at each contractions so I asked the nurse if I could get an epidural. She told me the anesthetist will only arrive in 2 hours' time!! I really wanted to bite her... so she gave me a pain relief jab. Soon Dr. Ding came! Praise God... he burst my waterbag and he immediately called ZX to come in. ZX saw my amniotic fluid and he said it looked like water from the longkang! It is suppose to be clear. Dr. Ding said there's meconium (baby's 1st poo) in the bag and I need to do an emergency C-section else baby may be infected. I had no time to respond really but he assured me baby is fine but just need to get him out quick with a surgery. There goes my expectation of having a natural birth...

Just before they wheeled me into the operating theater

In a split second, they wheeled me into the operating theater and there I saw the anesthetist! I got an epidural this time and I was numb from waist down. I felt like a frog being cut open really. Even though they placed a covering so that I could not see what they were doing, I could still see it from the reflection of the lights above me. If it was too gory, I just shut my eyes. Quite an experience, I must say. And all I was doing was praying to hear a baby's cry ASAP.

My 1st operation... I was awake the WHOLE time

My gynae on the left... now I know why is he so popular, he's skilled during labour

Not more than 10 mins, I heard a big wailing! I was so relieved! Baby Daniel was borned at 8:56 a.m. They placed Daniel next to me for a while and then did the normal cleaning up, sucking the meconium out from his mouth.

Daniel's head emerging

Sucking the meconium out (check out the colour of the tube...)

A big wail... a sound I was eagerly waiting for

Me planting the 1st kiss

Making sure I bring home MY baby

Then while Dr. Ding was stitching me up, I saw flashes of light. Apparently ZX passed the camera to one of the nurses and she was snapping her heart away like I am some celebrity...

The corny but amazing medic team

After check-up

Daniel's 1st smile

My prayers was definitely answered... I asked for a QUICK labour.


moon said...

Praise the Lord!

V a L S h a M © said...

Daniel's a darling... u're a super mama... ZX's an out-of-this-world dad!!

Sharing your joy and happiness :)

eeeeeeeeeee... can't wait to get my hands on Daniel. Kekeke...