Promoted to motherhood

Life will never be the same again...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

KK trip

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Senai airport on the way to KK

My dear son is very good at posing for pictures now. As we were waiting for our flight to KK, he got a bit bored so I brought him to walk around at Senai airport. We saw some gigantic kites (Wau Bulan) and I asked him if he wants to pose for pictures. His cute little "ah" means a yes. So he stood there while I took out my phone. He got too impatient and started to run towards me!

He knows a few words now like
  • ma ma (mummy or grandma)
  • pa pa
  • po po
  • yeh yeh
  • mam mam (eat)
  • kakak
  • bai bai (goodbye)
  • nyum (drink)
  • kok kok (chicken)
  • ko ko (brother or any boys older than him)
  • bear (bear)
  • a-beet (rabbit)
  • pig
  • sheep
  • moo moo (cow)
  • preeas (please)
  • ma mi (barney)
  • ah (yes)
  • ng moi (no)